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Blending learning provision for higher education: integrating ‘new ways’ of teaching and learning

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary

E-pub ahead of print
Publication date11/10/2019
Host publicationEncyclopedia of Information and Communication Technologies
EditorsArthur Tatnall
Place of PublicationCham
Number of pages13
ISBN (electronic)9783319600130
<mark>Original language</mark>English


This entry explores how educational technologies are being used and can be used to develop what have been referred to as “new ways of teaching and learning.” These new ways, adopting a variety of forms of educational technologies, have variously been termed “e-learning,” “online learning,” and “blended learning.” In this entry, these “new ways” are examined, and key elements of technology, management, and pedagogy that must be focused on if future provision is to support both educational intentions and learner expectations are argued.