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Design for Noticing with the Biodiversity Logbooks

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

Publication date31/01/2022
Host publicationNordes 2021; Matters of Scale: Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Design Research Conference, Kolding, Denmark
EditorsEva Brandt, Thomas Markussen, Eeva Berglund, Guy Julier, Per Linde
Place of PublicationKolding, Denmark
PublisherDesign School Kolding
Number of pages5
<mark>Original language</mark>English
EventMatters of Scale: 9th Nordic Design Research Conference - Virtual
Duration: 15/08/202118/08/2021
Conference number: 9th


ConferenceMatters of Scale
Abbreviated titleNORDES 2021

Publication series

NameProceedings of the Nordic Design Research Conference
ISSN (electronic)1604-9705


ConferenceMatters of Scale
Abbreviated titleNORDES 2021


This paper introduces the use of design to improve noticing skills in order to address environmental issues at a variety of physical and temporal scales.
We illustrate the application of ‘design for noticing’ through Biodiversity Logbooks – a pilot project intended to reduce ‘plant blindness’ amongst primary school children. Plant blindness is the inability to recognise, appreciate and value plants and it has far reaching social, environmental and economic implications. In this project, we designed pedagogical tools and processes to foster the skills of noticing plants in their environments, and connecting the small-scale of their individual features to large-scale systems.
Biodiversity Logbooks was designed in collaboration with primary school staff. We
present initial lessons learnt from our work to support the delivery of specialist content and to create activities that can be embedded in the curriculum for the long term.