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Welding dynamics in an atomistic model of an amorphous polymer blend with polymer-polymer interface

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

<mark>Journal publication date</mark>1/08/2020
<mark>Journal</mark>Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
Issue number15
Number of pages11
Pages (from-to)2051-2061
Publication StatusPublished
<mark>Original language</mark>English


We consider an atomistic model of thermal welding at the polymer-polymer interface of a polyetherimide/polycarbonate blend, motivated by applications to 3D manufacturing in space. We follow diffusion of semiflexible chains at the interface and analyze strengthening of the samples as a function of the welding time tw by simulating the strain-stress and shear viscosity curves. The time scales for initial wetting, and for fast and slow diffusion, are revealed. It is shown that each component of the polymer blend has its own characteristic time of slow diffusion at the interface. Analysis of strainstress demonstrates saturation of the Young’s modulus at tw = 240 ns, while the tensile strength continues to increase. The shear viscosity is found to have a very weak dependence on the welding time for tw > 60 ns. It is shown that both strain-stress and shear viscosity curves agree with experimental data.