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Zanzibar Declaration: Sustainable Education in a Digital Age of rapidly Emerging Technologies

Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsOther report

  • Johannes Magenheim (Editor)
  • Raymond Morel (Editor)
  • Javier Osorio (Editor)
  • Don Passey (Editor)
  • Christophe Reffay (Editor)
Publication date24/04/2023
Place of PublicationLaxenburg, Austria
PublisherInternational Federation for Information Processing
Number of pages21
<mark>Original language</mark>English


IFIP Technical Committee (TC3) is one of 13 Technical Committees within IFIP; TC3 focuses on education, the uses and applications of computing in education, across the lifespan, and across educational sectors (whether primary, secondary, tertiary, vocational, further, higher, professional, or adult). In response to IFIP TC3 member concerns with how education can continue to integrate digital technologies for educational purposes, foregrounding work has explored the topic of ‘Sustainable Education in a Digital Age of rapidly Emerging Technologies’. Arising from that work, IFIP TC3 presents this Zanzibar Declaration – a document that is designed to consider and to challenge any or all stakeholders at any level in education (whether teachers, lecturers, academics, researchers, professionals, trainers or policy makers).

This document highlights both potential opportunities and challenges that are offered by emerging technologies for education (and wider society). Major changes in digital technologies arise about every five years, so the contents of this Declaration should be considered in a context of continuous digital technological change. Whilst educators need to be aware of the potential value of uses of emerging technologies in teaching and learning, it is also necessary to be conversant with the concerns and challenges that they bring. The background work that has led to and is presented in this document indicates that full awareness of this balance is vital when considering any implementation of emerging technologies for educational purposes.