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Sustaining relevant digital inclusive education for young people (5-18 years of age): Final Report

Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

  • Don Passey
  • Luis Soares Barbosa
  • Jo Dalvean
  • Admire Gwanzura
  • Greg Lane
  • Damith Hettihewa
  • Adesina Sodiya
  • A. Min Tjoa
Publication date16/10/2024
PublisherInternational Federation for Information Processing
Number of pages34
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Set up by the President of IFIP in 2022, the work of the current IFIP Task Force takes the work of the Zanzibar Declaration further, seeking to gain an international perspective to support the UN, UNESCO, affiliated organisations, national societies, regional and local organisations in moving forward a focus on ‘Sustaining relevant digital inclusive education for young people (5-18 years of age)’.

Interim findings identified five key areas of concern that the IFIP Task Force believe warrant specific and particular attention: aspiration; diversity, inclusion, the digital divide and the under-represented; computational thinking and its links to problem-solving; developing teacher practices; and short- and long-term plans and actions. The IFIP Task Force has undertaken wide consultations, to gather important evidence about successes that local, national, regional and international organisations have achieved in enabling ‘Sustaining relevant digital inclusive education for young people (5-18 years of age)’.

This report offers an introductory section explaining the scope of the IFIP Task Force work, followed by five main sections that explore further the five areas of concern, from evidence gathered:

1. Aspiration
2. Diversity, inclusion, the digital divide and the under-represented
3. Computational thinking and its links to problem-solving
4. Developing teacher practices
5. Short- and long-term plans and actions