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Adrian Grocott supervises 3 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Professor Adrian Grocott FHEA

Professor of Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Adrian Grocott

Physics Building



Tel: +44 1524 594576

PhD supervision

Research projects are available in the field of solar-terrestrial physics, magnetospheric dynamics and magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. For details of current opportunities see: https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/physics/study/current-phds/#d.en.349042

Research Interests

Coupling of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere; the impact of this interaction on the upper atmosphere, via processes collectively referred to as 'Space Weather'.

Magnetospheric substorms; the storage and explosive release of solar wind energy in the magnetosphere, resulting in the aurora (northern lighrs) and enhanced atmospheric electrical current systems.

Electrodynamics of the sub-auroral ionosphere; coupling to the inner magnetosphere and radiation belts. 

Geomagnetic storms; extreme driving of the magnetosphere-ionosphere system, large-scale expansion of the auroral zone into the mid-latitudes.

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