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Josiane Fernandes supervises 2 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Josiane Fernandes

Lecturer in Marketing

Josiane Fernandes

Charles Carter Building



Office Hours:

Please e-mail me for appointments.

Research overview

Josi Fernandes is interested in the (re)organisation of markets for the creation of more ethical and responsible markets, connected with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

On a 6-years ethnography, Josi explored how local entrepreneurs in Brazilian favelas manage to engage in economic activity amidst stigmatization of their place of residence, violence, and poverty and maintain a market for favela tourism. Part of the results from this project was published in the Journal of Business Research, and can also be found in the London School of Economics (LSE) blog.

Presently, Josi is studying sustainability in food and energy. If you are a stakeholders, researcher or propsect PhD student involved and/or interested in fish farming for sustainable food provision, and the barriers to creating and insfrastruturing markest for green economy around clean energy and would like to discuss collaboration, please get in touch.


Current Teaching

MKTG101 - Introduction to Marketing

MKTG229 - Routes to Market

MKTG301 - Stratetgic Marketing

MKTG329 - Business to Business Marketing (Module Leader)

MKTG416 - Responsible Markets (MSc Advanced Marketing Managament) (Module Leader)

Research Grants

CAPES Scholarship (Brazil)

British Sociology Association Events Grants

LUMS Scholarship 

LUMS Conference Grant

LUMS Pump Prime Scheme

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