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Broken promises: A day in the life of a carer

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter

Publication date9/04/2024
Host publicationResponsible Marketing for Well-being and Society: A Research Companion
EditorsMichael Saren, Louise M. Hassan, Miriam McGowan, N. Craig Smith, Emma Surman, Rohit Varman
Place of PublicationLondon
Number of pages16
ISBN (electronic)9781003390671
ISBN (print)9781032487625
<mark>Original language</mark>English


This chapter offers a “factitional” narrative that weaves fiction through truth to share the lived experiences of carers to persons with complex disabilities and needs. Drawing from interview data from carers and wider conversations around disability, we craft an interpretive story that situates some of the harsh realities that carers face daily. Our aim is to provide readers with a sense of the struggles, injustice, and exclusion that are all too common for this community. In doing so, we ground how carers are subtly, yet powerfully, entrapped by ableist society. Our story indicates how market systems, attitudes, behaviours, ideologies, and institutions disenchant carers, subjugating them very often into positions of isolation and “responsibilised commoditisation” (Higgins and O’Leary, 2023). Finally, we attempt to reflect on how marketing scholars and responsible marketing efforts can attempt to affect this system, if at all.