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  1. Published

    The blue warriors: science, public health and democracy in malaria control experiments in Ghana

    Beisel, U., 2015, Para-states and medical science: making African global health. Geissler, P. W. (ed.). Duke, N.C.: Duke University Press, (Critical Global Health: Evidence, Efficacy, Ethnography).

    Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter (peer-reviewed)

  2. Published

    Knowing insects: hosts, vectors and companions of science

    Beisel, U., Kelly, A. H. & Tousignant, N., 03/2013, In: Science as Culture. 22, 1, p. 1-15 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineEditorialpeer-review

  3. Published

    Barcoding nature: shifting cultures of taxonomy in an age of biodiversity loss

    Waterton, C., Ellis, R. & Wynne, B., 2013, London: Routledge. 248 p.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsBook

  4. Published

    Aesthetics of loss: biodiversity, banal violence and biotic subjects

    Yusoff, K., 10/2012, In: Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 37, 4, p. 578–592 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  5. Published

    Development and application of a delayed-release anthelmintic intra-ruminal bolus system for experimental manipulation of nematode worm burdens

    Carlsson, A. M., Wilson, K. & Irvine, R. J., 07/2012, In: Parasitology. 139, 8, p. 1086-1092 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  6. Published

    Disease transmission in an extreme environment: Nematode parasites infect reindeer during the Arctic winter

    Carlsson, A. M., Irvine, K. J., Wilson, K., Piertney, S. B., Halvorsen, O., Coulson, S. J., Stien, A. & Albon, S. D., 07/2012, In: International Journal for Parasitology. 42, 8, p. 789-795 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  7. Published

    White Paper on the First Open Meeting of the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI) Held in London, England, 30 March 2012

    Ramirez, K., Bardgett, R., Fricks, B., Montanarella, L., Six, J., van der Putten, W., Wall, D., Ameloot, N., Ayuke, F., Banwart, S., Bignell, D., Black, H., Bossio, D., Bruckman, V., Brussaard, L., Campbell, C., Campbell, K., Soares de Carvalho, T., Cooper, J. & Coutinho, H. & 16 others, Goulding, K., Griffiths, R., Harris, J., Hopkins, D., Houskova, B., Jehne, W., Lemanceau, P., Lindo, Z., Murray, P., Muscolo, A., Ogram, A., Ritz, K., Rombke, J., Scow, K., De Vries, F. & Wolters, V., 15/06/2012, Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative.

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsOther report

  8. Published

    Overexpressing the ANR1 MADS-Box Gene in Transgenic Plants Provides New Insights into its Role in the Nitrate Regulation of Root Development

    Gan, Y., Bernreiter, A., Filleur, S., Abram, B. & Forde, B. G., 06/2012, In: Plant & cell physiology. 53, 6, p. 1003-1016 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  9. Published

    Biological flora of the British Isles: Campanula rotundifolia

    Stevens, C., McAllister, H. & Wilson, J., 05/2012, In: Journal of Ecology. 100, 3, p. 821-839 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  10. Published

    Treating seeds with activators of plant defence generates long-lasting priming of resistance to pests and pathogens.

    Worrall, D., Holroyd, G. H., Moore, J. P., Glowacz, M., Croft, P., Taylor, J. E., Paul, N. D. & Roberts, M. R., 02/2012, In: New Phytologist. 193, 3, p. 770-778 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  11. Published

    Impacts of near-future cultivation of biofuel feedstocks on atmospheric composition and local air quality

    Ashworth, K., Folberth, G., Hewitt, C. N. & Wild, O., 19/01/2012, In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics . 12, 2, p. 919-939 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  12. Published

    Quantitative analysis of lateral root development: pitfalls and how to avoid them

    Dubrovsky, J. G. & Forde, B. G., 01/2012, In: The Plant Cell. 24, 1, p. 4-14 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  13. Published

    Flowering forbs for field margins: selecting species that optimise ecosystem services

    Carrie, R., George, D. & Wackers, F., 2012, In: Iobc Wprs Bulletin. 75, p. 57-60 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  14. Published

    The magnitudes and timescales of global mean surface temperature feedbacks in climate models

    Jarvis, A., 15/12/2011, In: Earth System Dynamics. 2, n/a, p. 213-221 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  15. Published

    The valuation of nature: The Natural Choice white paper

    Yusoff, K., 11/2011, In: Radical Philosophy. 170, p. 2-7 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  16. Published

    Primary forests are irreplaceable for sustaining tropical biodiversity

    Gibson, L., Lee, T. M., Koh, L. P., Brook, B. W., Gardner, T. A., Barlow, J., Peres, C. A., Bradshaw, C. J. A., Laurance, W. F., Lovejoy, T. E. & Sodhi, N. S., 20/10/2011, In: Nature. 478, 7369, p. 378-381 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  17. Published

    Increased exposure to UV-B radiation during early development leads to enhanced photoprotection and improved long-term performance in Lactuca sativa

    Wargent, J. J., Elfadly, E. M., Moore, J. P. & Paul, N. D., 08/2011, In: Plant, Cell and Environment. 34, 8, p. 1401-1413 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  18. Published

    Terrestrial Ecosystem Responses to Species Gains and Losses

    Wardle, D. A., Bardgett, R. D., Callaway, R. M. & Van der Putten, W. H., 10/06/2011, In: Science. 332, 6035, p. 1273-1277 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineLiterature reviewpeer-review

  19. Published

    Increases in soil organic carbon sequestration can reduce the global warming potential of long-term liming to permanent grassland

    Fornara, D. A., Steinbeiss, S., McNamara, N. P., Gleixner, G., Oakley, S., Poulton, P. R., Macdonald, A. J. & Bardgett, R. D., 05/2011, In: Global Change Biology. 17, 5, p. 1925-1934 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  20. Published

    Plant species richness, identity and productivity differentially influence key groups of microbes in grassland soils of contrasting fertility

    De Deyn, G., Quirk, H. & Bardgett, R., 23/02/2011, In: Biology Letters. 7, 1, p. 75-78 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  21. Published

    The contribution of timescales to the temperature response of climate models

    Jarvis, A. & Li, S., 02/2011, In: Climate Dynamics. 36, 3-4, p. 523-531 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  22. Published

    Diversity and temporal stability of bacterial communities in a model passerine bird, the zebra finch.

    Benskin, C., Rhodes, G., Pickup, R. W., Wilson, K. & Hartley, I. R., 12/2010, In: Molecular Ecology. 19, 24, p. 5531-5544 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  23. Published

    Microorganisms and climate change: terrestrial feedbacks and mitigation options

    Singh, B. J., Bardgett, R., Smith, P. & Reay, D. S., 11/2010, In: Nature Reviews in Microbiology. 8, p. 779-790 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  24. Published

    Influence of plant species and soil conditions on plant-soil feedback in mixed grassland communities

    Harrison, K. A. & Bardgett, R. D., 03/2010, In: Journal of Ecology. 98, 2, p. 384-395 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  25. Published

    Aboveground-belowground linkages: biotic interactions, ecosystem processes, and global change

    Bardgett, R. & Wardle, D. A., 2010, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 301 p. (Oxford series in ecology and evolution)

    Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsBook

  26. Published

    Directional Analysis of Sub-Antarctic Climate Change on South Georgia 1905-2009

    Ferranti, E. J. S., Solera Garcia, M. A., Timmis, R. J. & Whyatt, D., 2010. 0 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conference - Without ISBN/ISSN Other

  27. Published

    Ozone suppresses soil drying- and abscisic acid (ABA)-induced stomatal closure via an ethylene-dependent mechanism

    Wilkinson, S. & Davies, W. J., 08/2009, In: Plant, Cell and Environment. 32, 8, p. 949-959 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  28. Published

    Chronic exposure to increasing background ozone impairs stomatal functioning in grassland species

    Mills, G., Hayes, F., Wilkinson, S. & Davies, W. J., 06/2009, In: Global Change Biology. 15, 6, p. 1522-1533 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  29. Published

    Is it good noise? The role of developmental instability in the shaping of a root system

    Forde, B. G., 2009, In: Journal of Experimental Botany. 60, 14, p. 3989-4002 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  30. Published

    Impacts of climate change on indirect human exposure to pathogens and chemicals from agriculture

    Boxall, A. B. A., Hardy, A., Beulke, S., Boucard, T., Burgin, L., Falloon, P. D., Haygarth, P. M., Hutchinson, T., Kovats, R. S., Leonardi, G., Levy, L. S., Nichols, G., Parsons, S. A., Potts, L., Stone, D., Topp, E., Turley, D. B., Walsh, K., Wellington, E. M. H. & Williams, R. J., 10/12/2008, In: Environmental Health Perspectives. 117, 4, p. 508-514 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  31. Published

    Nitrate signalling mediated by the NRT1.1 nitrate transporter antagonises L-glutamate-induced changes in root architecture

    Walch-Liu, P. & Forde, B. G., 06/2008, In: Plant Journal. 54, 5, p. 820-828 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  32. Published

    Gene expression, cellular localisation and function of glutamine synthetase isozymes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

    Bernard, S. M., Møller, A. L. B., Dionisio, G., Kichey, T., Jahn, T. P., Dubois, F., Baudo, M., Lopes, M. S., Tercé-Laforgue, T., Foyer, C. H., Parry, M. A. J., Forde, B. G., Araus, J. L., Hirel, B., Schjoerring, J. K. & Habash, D. Z., 2008, In: Plant Molecular Biology. 67, 1-2, p. 89-105 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  33. Published

    The weight of female-built nests correlates with female but not male quality in the Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus.

    Mainwaring, M. C., Benskin, C. & Hartley, I. R., 2008, In: Acta Ornithologica. 43, 1, p. 43-48 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  34. Published

    L-Glutamate as a novel modifier of root growth and branching: What's the sensor?

    Walch-Liu, P. & Forde, B., 2007, In: Plant Signaling and Behavior. 2, 4, p. 284-286 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineLiterature reviewpeer-review

  35. Published

    Earthworm ecological groupings based on C-14 analysis.

    Briones, M. J. I., Garnett, M. H. & Piearce, T. G., 11/2005, In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 37, 11, p. 2145-2149 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  36. Published

    Use of a highly sensitive two-dimensional luminescence imaging system to monitor endogenous bioluminescence in plant leaves.

    Flor-Henry, M., McCabe, T. C., De Bruxelles, G. L. & Roberts, M. R., 18/11/2004, In: BMC Plant Biology. 4, 9

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  37. Published

    Plant 14-3-3 protein families - evidence for isoform-specific functions?

    Roberts, M. R. & De Bruxelles, G. L., 08/2002, In: Biochemical Society Transactions. 30, 4, p. 373-378 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  38. Published

    Social learning influences feeding preferences in the zebra finch

    Benskin, C., Mann, N., Lachlan, R. & Slater, P., 2002, In: Animal Behaviour. 64, 5, p. 823-828 6 p., 64.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  39. Published

    Signals regulating multiple responses to wounding and herbivores.

    De Bruxelles, G. L. & Roberts, M. R., 2001, In: Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 20, 5, p. 487-521 35 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  40. Published

    14-3-3 proteins and a 13-lipoxygenase form associations in a phosphorylation-dependent manner.

    Holtman, W. L., Roberts, M. R. & Wang, M., 12/2000, In: Biochemical Society Transactions. 28, 6, p. 834-836 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  41. Published


    Roberts, M., ROBSON, F., BLUNDELL, R., FOSTER, G., KUMAR, A., Draper, J. & Scott, R., 1990, In: Journal of Experimental Botany. 41, SUPPL, p. 5-2 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineMeeting abstract

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