Wood, J. (Recipient), 30/03/2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Doherty, M. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
McKee, T. (Recipient) & Nir, R. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Doherty, M. (Recipient), 2004
Prize: Election to learned society
Doherty, M. (Recipient) & McKee, T. (Recipient), 2021
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Doherty, M. (Recipient) & McKee, T. (Recipient), 05/2021
Prize: National/international honour
Peck, T. (Recipient), 2019
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Miller, E. (Recipient), 7/07/2022
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Chatterjee, B. B. (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Saban, K. (Recipient), 2020
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Whittam, S. (Recipient), 2020
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Sugarman, D. (Recipient), 21/03/2020
Prize: Election to learned society
Ahmed, M. (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
McKee, T. (Recipient), 2019
Prize: Other distinction
McKee, T. (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Other distinction
Peck, T. (Recipient), 2019
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Saban, K. (Recipient), 1/06/2023
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Saban, K. (Recipient), 1/06/2023
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Whittam, S. (Recipient), 2022
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Fijalkowski, A. (Recipient), 04/2012
Prize: Other distinction
Sugarman, D. (Recipient), 19/11/2019
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Chatterjee, B. B. (Recipient), 2006
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Fijalkowski, A. (Recipient), 16/12/2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Fijalkowski, A. (Recipient), 20/12/2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Whittle, M. (Recipient), 19/06/2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Urquiza, N. (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Jackson, F. (Recipient), 15/07/2024
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Fijalkowski, A. (Recipient), 27/03/2017
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
McKee, T. (Recipient), 2021
Prize: Other distinction
Hunter, K. (Recipient), Francis, B. (Recipient) & Fitzpatrick, C. (Recipient), 4/12/2024
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Ahmed, M. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Weare, S. (Recipient), 06/2021
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Sugarman, D. (Recipient), 12/06/2019
Prize: Election to learned society
Doherty, M. (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Ahmed, M. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Whittle, M. (Recipient), 19/06/2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Fijalkowski, A. (Recipient), 1/02/2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Whittle, M. (Recipient), 19/06/2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Fijalkowski, A. (Recipient), 1/10/2012
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
McKee, T. (Recipient), 2019
Prize: Other distinction
McKee, T. (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Other distinction
McKee, T. (Recipient), 2019
Prize: Other distinction
Fijalkowski, A. (Recipient), 1/01/2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Saban, K. (Recipient), Cooper, A. (Recipient) & McKee, T. (Recipient), 06/2024
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Saban, K. (Recipient), Whittam, S. (Recipient) & Wood, Z. (Recipient), 1/06/2023
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Whittam, S. (Recipient), 2023
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Akintola, K. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Urquiza, N. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)